Remember that 1lb of Boursin we made? Well, it makes one hell of a cream sauce for your favorite meats and vegetables! We we have quite a bit of it, I thought it would be a great way to showcase how you can use Boursin in a different way: by making a cream sauce.
1 Zucchini, large
1 Carrot, large
1-1 1/2 C Boursin
3/4 C Half-and-half
3 TB Olive Oil
1 TB Butter
Kosher Salt & Black Pepper to taste
1.)Take your vegetables and cut them the way you like them (julienned threads, through a spiral cutter, a peeler for ribbons).
2.) In a sauté pan on medium-high heat, melt your butter with your olive oil
3.) Add your prepped vegetables and toss to cook for approximately 3-5 minutes. Be careful not to overcook the vegetables. Cook them until the carrots start to slightly soften.
4.) Add your Boursin and start working this into your vegetables. It will gradually start to melt. This will take about 3-5 minutes.
5.) By the time you have half of the Boursin melted, add your half-and-half. The rest of your Boursin in the pan will melt faster. Continue to toss around in the pan. When you see the sauce start to slightly thicken, shut off the heat and let the pan sit for a couple minutes.
6.) Before servings, be sure to toss to coat again one more time. Garnish with scallions, some dill, smoked paprika and serve with your favorite dinner. You can also add seafood to this as a vegetarian meal option.
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