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  • Writer's pictureKonky's Creative Kitchen

I guess Paula and Eddie sent you?

Updated: Feb 20

WOW!!! When Paula and Eddie invited me along for the Charcuterie video, never would I imagine my website, my Instagram AND my Facebook page almost crashing my phone with the most amazing people? Im at a total loss for words right now. Even as I type this (about 1:11PM Eastern), your alerts are coming up like electronic popcorn! 😍😆

Just a quick note here that right now, I do not have a business established. 😅I had the best conversation (off camera) with Paula and Eddie about the goal of hopefully having my own business some day. I have a couple ideas in my mind that, when I shared the details with Paula and Eddie, they were very receptive. So, if I were to finally achieve the goal of opening a business, it would be under my page here with a few updated items.

My goal for now is to amp up a few things for what I do online, to have fun with it and actually get a couple of college courses under my belt. Crossing my fingers that this will be through University of New Hampshire as it complements my background in both industries beautifully! In my "About Me" page, I mentioned that I want to "marry" the healthcare and culinary industries together. I am definitely looking forward to seeing this through!

For now, I continue to enjoy volunteering my skills where ever needed. And of course, I still have to feed my husband, right? 😂

Welcome to my page. I am also on Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook under the same name. Take a load off, relax and unwind! 😊

©2004-2026 Konky’s Creative Kitchen, All rights reserved.

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